Friday, October 30, 2009

Is global warming a hoax? |
Developing a green economy would win us back lost manufacturing jobs and offer our grandchildren at least a fighting chance, but we've blown our money in Iraq, and then rescued our richest financiers from the consequences of their own bad decisions. Now, we're told, there's nothing left for old Mother Nature. If we believe that, we'll have fallen for the greatest hoax of all.

Lawrence Brown of Hyannis teaches humanities at Cape Cod Academy in Osterville.
Christopher Monckton on Glenn Beck--October 30th!
He will be on, with former UN Ambassador John Bolton, for the full hour.

The topic will be all aspects of the Global Warming Scare and the push for a “new world order” to “deal” with it.

Expect fireworks!
Biggest October Snow in Denver in 12 Years
Climatologists at Colorado State University in Fort Collins say these types of storms, packing this much snow, in October are rare, but they do happen. Those same climatologists say in an average year parts of eastern Colorado will see about 56-inches of snow. So far, this year about 25-inches of recordable snow has fallen.
Al Gore still addicted to nonexistent hurricane-climate link in new book « Watts Up With That?
Gore 2.0, now with Pacific Hurricanes, coming to a book store near you. Gore plans to hawk it on David Letterman next Tuesday night. One more reason not to watch Dave anymore.
[comment] Today I received my monthly Costco Mag with Al Gore on the front cover (an old before weight gain photo) which went into the trash. I sent Costco an email requesting that the next mag have an alternate view to Al Gore’s on the issue of global warming and that I was suspending my shopping at Costco until they present a balanced view of this issue. This stand will cost me $ for some home an office products, but I am tired of everyone getting on the CO2 bandwagon to make themselves look “green”.

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