Thursday, October 01, 2009

NATO leader [blames CO2 for Katrina and Darfur]
Rasmussen said the trend of global warming was clear.

"We know that there will be more extreme weather events — catastrophic storms and flooding. If anyone doubts the security implications of that — and the political difficulties, for that matter — look at what happened in New Orleans in 2006 [or 2005, whatever]," he said.

Rising sea levels and drought will force large populations to move, potentially creating severe security crises, he said.

"If you think I'm using dramatic language, let me draw your attention to one of the worst conflicts in the world, in Darfur," Rasmussen said. "One of the main causes was a long drought."
Quick cold snap fills up homeless shelters [but halts kidney stone epidemic?]
BOISE - With a quick flip from summer-like weather to freezing cold temperatures, homeless shelters we talked to have never been busier.

They say they've seen 10 new people every day because of the economy. But with the cold weather, they say they're seeing another surge of people needing a warm place to stay.
Add Olympics to global warming's hit list - Full Comment
Tokyo's goveror Shintaro Ishihara is known for making controversial, and sometimes downright dopey, remarks. He once suggested women who live past their reproductory abilities are committing a sin, and suggested French shouldn't count as a real language.

He also has some unusual views on the environment, once claiming that forests that are left untouched "eat children." Now, according to this report from Reuters, he has bought heavily into the global warming hysteria... Are Dire GW Predictions Impervious to Evidence?
Will then goes on to say..........

"The Times says "a short-term trend gives ammunition to skeptics of climate change." Actually, what makes skeptics skeptical is the accumulating evidence that theories predicting catastrophe from man-made climate change are impervious to evidence. The theories are unfalsifiable, at least in the "short run." And the "short run" is defined as however many decades must pass until the evidence begins to fit the hypotheses."

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