Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Senators Lindsey Graham and John Kerry: Yes We Can (Raise Your Energy Prices and Send Jobs Abroad) | GlobalWarming.org
Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) published a curious op-ed in Sunday’s New York Times titled, “Yes We Can (Pass Climate Legislation).” The bill that they claim to support and that can pass the Senate is not the 821-page draft bill that Senators Kerry and Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) released two weeks ago. It is a fantasy designed to get the support of Senator Graham and other fuzzy-minded Senators with visions of lots of new nuclear plants, billions for technology to capture and store carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants, less dependence on imported oil, and tariffs to protect American manufacturing jobs in energy-intensive industries. We can have it all with a few waves of the federal government’s magic wand.

But even a glance at their article shows how little substance there is to any of these promises.
Video: Phelim McAleer on Neil Cavuto's Your World: 'Environmental journalists tend to be...environmentalists, rather than journalists' | GORE LIED

GIStemp Quartiles of Age Bolus of Heat
Having discovered that the average of thermometers shows warming, but concentrated into the winter months, and that the added temperature showed up coincident with the arrival of a large number of short lived thermometers, I decided to explore this a bit more, to the next reasonable level.
The Rest of the Story - Chris Horner - Planet Gore on National Review Online
The Institute for Energy Research has come out with some helpful detail on the extra thousand pages larded on to Lieberman-Warner to bring about its current incarnation, the House-passed Waxman-Markey.

In an e-mail announcing it, IER notes that last year's Lieberman-Warner bill "was a mere 344-pages," — felled thanks in great part to the illuminating diagram produced by the U.S. Chamber (ah, so that's what got the rent-seekers so upset) which detailed the cap-and-trade labyrinth.

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