Thursday, October 22, 2009

UAH Anomaly Video « the Air Vent
Chad at TreesfortheForest lit a fire under me to get the gridded data from the major temperature metrics downloaded. Here I’ve created a less than perfect video of UAH for the whole record length. Still it’s pretty cool, there will be more improvements to come.
Given Enough Rope These Democrats Just Might Hang Liberalism
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that America is now in decline and it doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure out why. In fact it can be summed up in one word. Liberalism. From the inane belief that we as a nation can and should do something about the supposed phenomenon of man-caused global warming to the failed view that more and more government involvement is the best way to promote our collective well being, the increasing influence of liberalism is crippling America.
Global Warming’s Pause For Thought — Climate Resistance: Challenging Climate Orthodoxy’s strange that no one seems to have mentioned the far more pronounced temperature plateau/decline that occurred between the mid-1940s and the early 1970s. The orthodox explanation for that one is that the cooling effect of white aerosols such as sulphates - released from coal and oil burning - was masking the warming effect of greenhouse gases until various clean air acts allowed the anthropogenic warming trend to re-emerge.
Ethiopia demands food aid for 6.2 million people - By Aaron Maasho (AFP)
Although none of Ethiopia’s six national droughts since 1984 have been as devastating, aid groups say the grim prospects of food shortages will linger for years to come due to climate change.
History of Ethiopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The end of the Axumite Kingdom [circa 600 AD] is as much of a mystery as its beginning. Lacking a detailed history, the kingdom's fall has been attributed to a persistent drought, overgrazing, deforestation, plague, a shift in trade routes that reduced the importance of the Red Sea—or a combination of these factors.

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