Thursday, October 22, 2009

Poor may need to curb CO2 by 15 percent: U.N. | Reuters
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Developing nations may need to slow projected growth in their carbon emissions by 15 percent by 2020 if rich countries agree to reduce theirs by up to 40 percent for a new global deal, a top U.N. official said on Thursday.
"If industrialized countries are reducing by 25-40 percent by 2020, then I think you would also by 2020 perhaps need to see something in the order of a 15 percent deviation below business as usual in developing countries," Yvo de Boer, head of the U.N. Climate Change Secretariat, told a news conference.
Note that it's a whole lot easier to just add a healthy fudge factor to "business as usual" projections than it is to actually cut real CO2 emissions.

The Reference Frame: U.S. public support for AGW orthodoxy dropped by 14% since 2008
As you can see, only the ignorant, briefly brainwashed left-wing people support the AGW orthodoxy and its plans for new kinds of regulation.

However, you should distinguish ignorance and stupidity. While the belief in AGW increases with the ignorance, it is pretty much independent of the stupidity (and college degrees), the polls show. It is independent of the U.S. geography, too.
Quakers and UN team up for multi-faith event on climate change [hoax]
The United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, Olav Kjørven and leading religious and scientific figures are to join people of all faiths at a major London event in the run-up to the Copenhagen climate conference.

Hosted by the Quakers, the event will take place on 4 November, following a two day private meeting involving Ban Ki-Moon, the United Nations Secretary-General and global religious leaders at Windsor Castle, organised by the United Nations Development Programme and the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC).

The event entitled Many Heavens, One Earth: Faiths, the Environment and Copenhagen is a public meeting that follows on from the private meeting.
Wellesley Walkout - Chris Horner - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Whether that supports a tantrum by a fully grown man — if an environmental-studies teacher — is in the eye of the beholder.* His hasty retreat surely had more to do with a bristling Richard Lindzen sitting just over his shoulder than a fear that I would elaborate in response. In no indirect terms, Dr. Lindzen strode to the mike to express his impression of such behavior, likely not commonly experienced by a chaired Ivy League professor renowned in his field. But on the other hand, maybe such acting out is why he dropped out of the IPCC.

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