Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Chamber fights Obama's regulatory robbery | Washington Examiner
And of course, look at climate-change legislation, where Obama has on his side coal giants like American Electric Power, manufacturing giants like Nike, agribusiness giant Monsanto, and lobbying giant General Electric, to name a few. The Democrats have bought off these special interests by rigging the legislation so that taxpayer and ratepayer money is funneled into corporate coffers.

So why hasn't Obama won over the Chamber of Commerce on his regulatory pushes?
To buy off the chamber as he has bought off the electric utilities, Obama would have to buy off everybody, which is impossible in the realm of regulation.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
For the first time during Obama’s time in office, the Approval Index has been in negative double digits for seven straight days.
Trucking’s pushback on “cap-and-trade” continues
The American Trucking Associations (ATA) is continuing to lobby hard against proposed “cap-and-trade” legislation with the support of new Congressional allies. The trucking trade group fears such legislation will only increase fuel costs for truckers without producing any significant reductions in carbon emissions.
Sen. Graham: ‘We need to use the coal that God has given us’ | Raw Story
"There will be no climate change bill with my vote unless you have offshore oil drilling," Graham told Fox News on Thursday. "I won't vote for any climate change bill that doesn't allow a dramatic increase in nuclear power. I'm not going to vote for any climate change bill that doesn't allow us to use our coal deposits."

Graham said he doesn't see any chance of current proposals getting past a filibuster in the Senate because "there's nowhere near 60 votes for a cap-and-trade system that puts a lot of businesses out of business."
Flashback (all the way back to 12 days ago): Graham/Kerry: Yes We Can (Pass Climate Change Legislation) -
...we refuse to accept the argument that the United States cannot lead the world in addressing global climate change. We are also convinced that we have found both a framework for climate legislation to pass Congress and the blueprint for a clean-energy future that will revitalize our economy, protect current jobs and create new ones, safeguard our national security and reduce pollution.

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