USW Cites New Report on Needed Provisions in Senate Clean Energy Bill
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Leo W. Gerard, International President of the United Steelworkers (USW) joined an environmental leader, a U.S. Senator and manufacturing advocates yesterday to unveil a new report on what is needed in climate change legislation to protect American manufacturing jobs as the U.S. Senate gets underway with completing work on a new bill.Review: ‘No Impact Man’- We Are Movie Geeks
Gerard said, "The 4 million vulnerable jobs in this report are not just in the Midwest, but spread out among all 50 states." He adds, "Two states most at risk of losing jobs are Texas and California. We must recognize it's not Pittsburgh warming, or Chicago warming, but global warming." He explained the issue of carbon leakage as the effect of other countries who don't have environmental standards and use the economic advantage as a subsidy to steal U.S. jobs.
In 2006, Beaven convinced his wife that they should live one year leaving the smallest “carbon footprint” possible so they gave up electricity, non-local foods, elevators, cleaning products, gas-powered transportation, toilet paper (!), and basically all worldly pleasures that make life enjoyable.1,000th Mayor -- Mesa, AZ Mayor Scott Smith -- Signs The U.S. Conference of Mayors Climate [Hoax] Agreement
...It’s a thin premise to hang a feature-length documentary on and the most entertaining aspects of THE NO IMPACT MAN is the absurd humor in the scenes illustrating Beaven’s ineptness and hypocrisy and watching Michelle bend the rules. Beavan doesn’t understand why his tiny worm-filled compost bin attracts flies and he explains in great detail how his organic clay-pot refrigerator is going to work (problem is, it doesn’t!). He sets out some solar panels but just enough to power his laptop so he can keep blogging about his experience. Meanwhile, Michelle is sneaking over to her neighbor’s apartment to borrow some ice.
"Global warming is real and demands our immediate response. It is in our national interest to act now and mayors understand that a successful plan in this country for reducing our energy consumption begins in cities and local communities. We are leading by example in the fight against global warming and representing America to the world," Mayor Nickels said in his remarks.We Still Have A 50-50 Chance At Not Frying Ourselves, Says MIT Study : TreeHugger
Mayor Nickels praised the organization of mayors for its successful efforts on the Climate Bill. "We traveled to Washington twice this summer to push for a partnership with the federal government on climate protection, and the Senate has acted in direct response to our calls for support. The Conference has worked long and hard to establish the Block Grant as a cornerstone of our national climate protection strategy, and this climate legislation, including this provision, is a critical component of our effort to empower local officials to make our communities greener, healthier and more sustainable. We urge the Senate to act swiftly to address this global crisis."
At least, that's what MIT says after utilizing their Integrated Global Systems Model to create a computer simulation of global economic activity and climate processes.
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