Friday, November 13, 2009

2008: Faux’s Smith: Global Warming Deniers “A Little Crazy”
At the end of a Faux News segment on a man who found himself trapped in a portable toilet, anchor Shep Smith compared people who get stuck in toilets to “people who deny the whole global warming thing” and are “just a little crazy, you know?”
Who are the real “fruit loops”? | Australian Climate Madness
But who are the real “fruit loops” here? Those, like Senator Minchin, who express the views of a growing proportion of the population concerning doubts about the causes of “global warming”? Or maybe, on the other hand, it’s those who would resort to name calling in order to stifle debate on the single biggest issue to face Australia for a generation? Or maybe it’s those who unquestioningly believe every single word that the IPCC, with its consensus of 2500, 4000 or maybe 10,000 scientists, utters? Or even those who think that negotiating with the government in order to pass the ETS is a sensible course of action? Or those who compare climate realists to people who see UFOs? Or those who think that we should pass an ETS into law before we have a clue what the rest of the world will do?
C3: The Bogosity of Corporations Being 'Carbon Neutral': Dell Computers A Classic Example of Worthless, Green PR
The naïve and easily-fooled (journalists/pundits?) eat up this type of anti-CO2, green-preening corporate public relations propaganda. Realistically though, the only means for a corporation to be truly carbon neutral is to go out of business - there just is no other way to reach zero CO2 emissions. Buying carbon offsets does not reduce a company's actual CO2 emissions.
Dear Baroness: these natives aren’t for scaring | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
But still the sceptics are dismissed as somehow deranged or evil people who must be dealt with, rather than simply argued with, Melbourne ABC host Jon Faine tells the Baroness that the sceptics are indeed causing “great problems” here...

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