Thursday, November 26, 2009

Australia's Copenhagen climate strategy is smoke and mirrors | Fred Pearce | Environment |
A new beginning in Copenhagen? Rudd's Copenhagen plan looks like a greenwashed version of the old Kyoto plan.
Eine Decliner Nachtmusik - Mark Steyn - The Corner on National Review Online
...By the way, the CRU may be in East Anglia but it gets money from the U.S. Department of Energy and the EPA — which means you, Mr. and Mrs. America. Which makes it a domestic news story. Sadly, many U.S. newspapers evidently lack the resources to cover the story, but a reader copies me a letter he sent to the New York Times offering to help out:
I've heard about the cutbacks at the NYT and I guess it's gotten so bad that they no longer allow internet access to reporters.
Venus Flytrap Climate Scam | LibertasPost
The climate crowd is all about creating a giant Venus Flytrap --it's what Kyoto was about and what Copenhagen is about.

The Venus Fly trap is a carnivorous plant that catches prey, usually insects. Kyoto and Copenhagen are catch basins for your wealth ...which gets put into a fed ex plane to be transferred elsewhere.

It's transferring wealth from your pocket to someone who deserves it more than you.
The Kalamazoo Objectivist: The Scam of Global Warming Is Out - Finally!
It has finally happened! The truth of so called "Climate Change" has shown it's true face and it is very ugly. The story is coming out that these climate scientists had data opposing their so called evidence of human caused climate change. What did they do with this data? Did they look at the data without bias and as any scientist should look at data - by looking at the evidence with reason and truth? No, they tried to hide it because it opposed their ideology. This is a blow to the integrity of scientists and science all over the world.

Phil Jones, the center of the "climate change" meltdown should resign or be fired for the fraud that he is.
TUMEKE!: Emission Trading Scam is an utter failure
...what a shameful day for the Maori Party to support subsidizing corporate big polluters and deny NZ do anything more meaningful for climate change. This Emission Trading Scam does NOTHING to prevent climate change it simply put a hundred Billion of our dollars into the pockets of big polluters.

We are not clean and green, this scam is an abomination.

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