Friday, November 20, 2009

Belmont Club » The CRU Hack
Even if the Global Warming industry were to die today, a lot of “Green” investment is already out there and unless the band keeps playing the music will stop. For that reason the bandmaster, however weary his arms will be prodded to keep waving the baton. He must protect the investment. “After 2012, when the Kyoto Protocol expires, Mr. Rau said, the value of the investments in developing countries will be uncertain, and if the uncertainty is prolonged, it can hurt investment.” Keep playing, bandmaster.
Wonk Room » ClimateGate: Hacked Emails Reveal Global Warming Deniers Are Crazed Conspiracy Theorists
Evidently due to this e-mail conspiracy, Arctic sea ice is at historically low levels, Australia is on fire, the northern United Kingdom is underwater, and the world’s glaciers are disappearing.
DailyTech - Climategate: Stunning Deception and Misconduct at UK Warming Research Center Revealed
The admissions of falsification of data and supression of counter opinions run contrary to everything that the scientific community should stand for. One can only hope that a thorough investigation is conducted and at the very least the center's director, Phil Jones is dismissed for academic misconduct, if the emails are confirmed. After all, how can we tell our college students not to cheat, when the director of a prominent research institution is advocating such fraud?


Anonymous said...

Pretty sure who released this data. Doubt if the police will be of any help. Will sit back and watch.

Ayrdale said...

Tom, I've been blogging this also, and just want to compliment you on your industry !
Have linked to you, with sincere thanks.