Monday, November 23, 2009

Breaking: Diet Pepsi bubbles to cause eleventy kazillion dollars in annual damage

Sea level rise could cost port cities $28 trillion -
London, England (CNN) -- A possible rise in sea levels by 0.5 meters by 2050 could put at risk more than $28 trillion worth of assets in the world's largest coastal cities, according to a report compiled for the insurance industry.
This reminds me of my $3 million parking ticket in '05, or that hangnail last month that cost me 63.5 billion dollars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is this the only way to protect coastal property from flooding, to try to control the sea? Have they ever heard of land reclaimation, water management, dams, etc.?

This is like trying to cool down the earth's weather for a cold beer, then the next moment trying to create a hot summer day for a warm soup. As if there were no refrigerators or cooking stoves, as if we would have to capitulate to nature.