Thursday, November 05, 2009

C3: Multiple Studies, Multiple Scientists, Over Multiple Years Find Tropical Frog/Toad Population Decreases Are Not Result of Global Warming
Read here. Species extinction, or threat of, is a favorite catastrophic claim of CO2-caused global warming activists and alarmist scientists. As has been documented, rain forest frogs and toads were suffering major decreases in population, which alarmists immediately claimed was the result of human global warming. Actual scientific research has now proven those wild assertions to have no basis in fact.
The deep green sophistry of 'religious' equivalence - Melanie Phillips
How hilarious is this?! When sceptics like me observe that man-made global warming resembles religious zealotry because it is a dogmatic belief which has nothing to do with actual as opposed to pseudo-science, we are dismissed as anti-science flat-earthers. Yet now Mr Justice Burton has laid down that it is a philosophical ‘belief’ which has the same status as belief in a religion.
Senators search for compromise on climate bill -
...the Chamber has disputed that the letter represents a change in its stance. Eric Wohlschlegel, a Chamber spokesman, said the group was just restating its position. The letter does not offer any endorsement of the cap-and-trade system contemplated by the climate bills most likely to pass Congress.

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