Sunday, November 29, 2009

Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme :: Senator Steve Fielding
The Rudd government is playing politics with the lives of millions of Australians by voting again on this issue now and trying maybe to force an early election. Someone needs to tell the Prime Minister that there are no prizes for going first on implementing an emissions trading scheme—only losers! We are not playing a game here. We are talking about a multibillion-dollar tax that will impact on real people’s lives and jobs. There is a lot more at stake than the government seems to realise.
Climate change deniers are anti-science and anti-reason — and they terrify me | The Spectator
Where has it come from, this sudden consensus among Britain’s right-wing punditry that there’s some kind of scam going on here? Yes, Delingpole, I mean you, and plenty of others, too. What gives you the right? It’s like your hairdresser diagnosing multiple sclerosis. For a while I thought this was just one of those weird and slightly endearing irrationalities that some old folk on the right have, like the passionate hatred for speed cameras, or the way they aren’t inherently amused by the whole concept of John Redwood. But I’ve watched it develop and spread over the past couple of years, first with amusement, then with alarm, and now with a sort of horrified panic. Guys, you’re not just fiddling while Rome burns. You’re actively going out and smashing up the fire engines. You’re terrifying me.
Climategate won’t make global warming go away, despite what Delingpole tells you – Telegraph Blogs
We climate rationalists have to be honest: it’s also the Al Gore-style doom-laden depictions of climate change, the disingenous “climate models”, and the Left-wing myths which have helped to badly damage the climate change debate. It’s their nonsense that the sceptics and cranks feed off – climate porn, as Simon Retallack defined it in 2006, which unrealistically depicts climate change as “an 18-rated horror film”.
BBC News - BNP leader to attend Copenhagen climate conference
In a speech to the European Parliament last week Mr Griffin claimed those who warned of climate change were "anti-western intellectual cranks" and described climate change as "a secular religious hysteria".

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