[Drill baby drill]: Universities Look for Heat Underground - Green Inc. Blog - NYTimes.com
In an effort to cut their carbon footprints, a handful of universities around the country are turning to ground-source heat exchangers and geothermal heating — sometimes with the help of federal financing.[Can this woman save us all from the alleged evils of fossil fuels?]: Lifting the lid on climate change talks | Environment | The Guardian
Ball State University in Indiana expects to be able to eliminate a coal plant by adding heat pump capabilities. The system, which will take five to 10 years to finish, involves drilling holes 450 feet deep in several areas, using the earth’s natural heat to run its heating and cooling more efficiently, according to a blog post by Robert Koester, a professor of architecture at the university.
Bernarditas de Castro Muller is a grandmother who lives in Geneva with her Swiss economist husband and is known among her colleagues for her sense of humour and babysitting skills. She has a house in Manila, and travels there regularly to see family, has lived in Kenya and worked as a full-time diplomat on just about every major global agreement on the environment of the last 20 years. Now, when she is not negotiating climate, she travels the world teaching diplomats from other developing countries how to negotiate.Voting With Your Feet Against Disastrous Climate Change Policy
"I am only a housewife, actually," she says. "My husband doesn't even trust me with the household budget. My education was totally western and I have spent most of my life in Europe. I am living in two worlds but I am at home in both. I see poverty and how people must live in developing countries but I am fortunately not poor."
In promoting his company's cap-and-trade policy on the environmental web site Grist, Timberland CEO Jeff Swartz noted "Consumers can now discriminate." And they should. In the face of Timberland, Nike and other companies' disregard for their customers' economic well-being, they don't deserve your hard-earned money.GOP reappoints climate change skeptic to climate change board « Iowa Independent
Many black Americans put a great deal of value on the shoes they wear, but Nike and Timberland don't appear to put a lot of value in them. Black Americans should return the favor and buy elsewhere.
State Rep. Ralph Watts (R-Adel), an outspoken critic of climate change science, has been reappointed to the Iowa Climate Change Advisory Council.Global warming scolds, targets meat eaters
Watts’s position on the council is noteworthy because he has been an outspoken critic of measures to combat climate change for years. During the 2008 legislative session, for instance, he helped to distribute a book to every member of the legislature that claimed that global warming was natural and irreversible, denying evidence that humans have an impact on climate change. Last February, Watts signed on to a letter written by the American Environmental Coalition, a conservative group founded by evangelicals that calls global warming a “hoax.”
Apparently, Lord Stern is not a vegetarian himself. Typical liberal elitist, demanding that the rest of us make sacrifices they are unwilling to make themselves.
Chew on this: No president or Congress should adopt a treaty that tries to tell Americans what they should eat.
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