‘Elders’ And Grandchildren Fly To Istanbul To Praise Virtual Conferencing « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
a group of 20th-century leaders called the Elders — whose members include Archbishop Tutu of South Africa, former President Jimmy Carter and Mary Robinson, a former Irish president [...] on Thursday (Oct 29) [...] traveled to Istanbul for a symbolic photo shoot accompanied by young relatives [and] described advantages of using technology for virtual conferences rather than using airplanes to attend meetingsGloves are off in Tasmanian forests « Asian Correspondent
Rex Flakemore, a retired forest worker from Tasmania’s Timber Communities Australia (TCA) doesn’t mince his words:If Turnbull can’t even get Jones’ vote… | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
“These protesters preach about looking after the environment, yet in reality they are two-faced. What they created and then abandoned in the Florentine Valley can only be described as a dirty, filthy slum.”
Alan Jones vs Malcolm Turnbull, who gets both barrels on running away from Liberal policies and signing up with Kevin Rudd on the climate change madness. The blood is ugly, even though Turnbull keeps his cool. Or because he does? Jones’ fury is one felt, I believe, my many natural Liberals voters - that the Opposition isn’t opposing what it should most resist.So sceptics must be child-slaughterers | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Robert [Doyle], how dare you lend your imprimatur to warming claims you know are dodgy? And how can you and your colleagues possibly take a junket flight to a conference that’s actually about cutting gases? Please!
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