Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Global warming: elusive, economically problematic for American taxpayers - Opinion
What hangs in the balance of the "global climate change" debate are several pieces of legislation, including a significant cap-and-trade bill, that will kill jobs, cost taxpayers trillions and will do nothing to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

Does a doctor give a patient an expensive, lengthy and risky surgery if it is completely unnecessary?

In 2007, Time magazine boldly declared that the debate over global warming was over. This is false, and an increasing amount of evidence continues to pile up that proves it.

In the meantime, grab your coat, because everything from NASA to The Old Farmer's Almanac is predicting a long, freezing winter.
Mr. President: Time to quit fibbing and spinning |  Bill McKibben - Grist
The real tip-off of Obama’s unwillingness to lead, however, has been the endless spinning of his climate negotiators.
An issue for Copenhagen - The Hill's Pundits Blog
I happen to believe that global warming is a theology. Either you believe in it or you don’t. I happen to be agnostic on the issue, but I realize that many fervently believe that it is happening, and I appreciate their religious sensibilities.

I also understand that most Americans become more agnostic (if not atheistic) about the issue the more they understand that this will have a negative impact on their personal economic security. The president has tried to make the case that green jobs can spring from green action on the environment, but frankly, nobody really believes him.

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