Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Greatest Scam on Earth
The Greatest Scam on Earth is set to destroy America’s economy. Its propaganda mills are restlessly chattering away in magazines and movies, schools and commercials offering up the same old vision of the crying Indian, the visage of the world we sinfully polluted. The hypocrisy of such lectures being delivered by magazines printed on dead trees, by celebrities who live opulently thanks to goods being transported for them around the world, by politicians who stand to benefit personally from the crisis they are manufacturing of course falls on deaf ears. The scam grinds on, and the one thing all that green is sure to accomplish, is to put us all in the red.
[Fraudster] Pachauri still sees a chance for success in Copenhagen conference | Environment |
And I hope even business and industry would realize the benefit of being part of the global agreement and being behind it. Because let's face it, if the rest of the world is willing to move ahead towards low-carbon technologies, U.S. business doesn't want to be left behind, because if they are, they'll lose market share all over the world.
We ourselves in the IPCC have projected that as early as 2020, we would see certain African countries suffering a decline of 50 percent in agriculture, and these are countries that have massive malnutrition, hunger all around.
Senate panel approves Democratic climate bill | Politics | Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on Thursday approved a Democratic climate change bill that would require industry to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases 20 percent by 2020 from 2005 levels.

With Republicans boycotting the committee's work saying more analysis of the legislation was needed, 10 Democrats voted to approve the legislation and one Democrat, Senator Max Baucus, voted against it.
Al's Journal : Video: My Formidable Opponent - Stephen Colbert
[Quite amazing footage from the last days of the dying global warming scam. Fraudster Al Gore suggests that carbon dioxide will cause Washington DC and New York City to flood, then forces Colbert's head underwater, observing that Colbert "doesn't seem to be growing any gills".]

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