Tuesday, November 03, 2009

‘How Bold Predictions Hurt Science’ « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
The article is full of interesting quotes.
Video of Dr. Richard Lindzen’s “Deconstructing Global Warming” | GlobalWarming.org
[If you don't believe that CO2 will kill your grandchildren, are you necessarily sure that the rapture will come during your lifetime?] Spiritual Battle Awaits the Deniers and Skeptics | FUTURISM NOW
Fundamentalist Christians, from what I know of them, actually feel that Jesus is going to return some day soon and take them up to heaven (which exists beyond the polluted climate, I presume). I have heard talk show hosts, very conservative ones, deny climate change on the one hand and then talk about the rapture on the other. And they are sure this “rapture” will happen during their lifetimes. This seeming divorce from reality is seen as simply an alternative theory in the U.S., instead of appearing crazy to people.
Global Warming Pitch: Ruin Your Country, For Your Country!
...His answer: “The way to get Americans to take action? Appeal to their patriotism.” That’s right, Uncle Sam wants you to sacrifice your family’s well-being for an entirely worthless carbon dioxide emission reduction (it won’t matter if the US drastically cuts its emissions if developing nations do not act similarly).
BBC - Ethical Man blog: Climate plans part of wider battle over American freedom
In the US state of Virginia the talk is of revolution. In the basement of a restaurant in Richmond we met 100 or so American patriots -ordinary people who claim to be the vanguard of a great new movement, a movement for American liberty.

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