Thursday, November 12, 2009

Importance of Issues - Rasmussen Reports™
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 85% of voters consider the issue of the economy as very important, topping a list of 10 key electoral issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports.
On the top three issues, Republicans are now trusted more than Democrats.
Again I ask: If global warming really is The Most Important Issue of All Time, why is it nowhere to be found on this list?

C3: Will Atmospheric CO2 Levels Skyrocket As IPCC Climate Models Assume? No, Says Latest Peer-Reviewed Research
Read here. The percentage of human CO2 in the atmosphere has stayed constant since 1850, despite total CO2 tonnage increasing from 2 billion tons of emissions to 35 billion tons per year. New research has determined that Earth's vegetation, land and oceans can absorb much, much more CO2 than climate scientists and their models had previously assumed. This is another scientific reason that climate models' predictions have been so terribly wrong.
PM's attack was not just about me, it insulted you too | Herald Sun
As of 6pm yesterday, more than 1300 blog readers posted comments saying they wanted to join, too, some saying Rudd's threats alone meant they must.

Here's your chance. If you, too, want to be part of a global conspiracy against Rudd's mad plans, sign our letter demanding Rudd hand over its address. Just go to the blog below and tell him you cannot be bullied into silence.
Hillary in 2012? - Rasmussen Reports™
Only God knows what will happen to America in the next year and a half (and he hasn't told me), but it is not implausible that by 2012, the Democratic Party will see Hillary Clinton's nomination as its best chance for keeping the White House.
No Warming for Fifteen Years? « the Air Vent
What we do know from this is that despite massive increases in industry and constant worse than we thought bombardment from the press despite the need to spend trillions on socializing industry, three of four measurements show no significant global warming for the last 15 years and came very close to clearing the 17 year mark.

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