Friday, November 13, 2009

Intersection of climate change [fraud] and Christianity | Harvard Gazette Online
“What if we face up to the fact that, unlike the U.S. government, Mother Nature doesn’t do bailouts?” Sallie McFague asked an audience at Harvard Divinity School (HDS).

In last month’s session, McFague was quoting New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman, while offering her own analysis of the current dual crises rocking the globe, one financial and the other environmental. Both, said the theologian in residence at the Vancouver School of Theology, are the product of greed.
Climate sense from Nick Minchin and Mitch Fifield | Australian Climate Madness
Nick Minchin has responded to his “fruit loop” critics with a dignity that some of them would do well to emulate
Warning Signs: Solar Power Lies
America, like Great Britain, is closing in on an era of blackouts because the federal government is doing everything in its power to thwart the building of proven sources of electricity production, coal-fired and nuclear plants. America is the Saudi Arabia of coal, sitting atop enough to provide power for the next three hundred or more years. No new nuclear plants have been built in three decades.
Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting | The Resilient Earth
Even when faced with data showing the errors in their work, the IPCC seems incapable of admitting they were wrong.

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