Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jobs for the boys: Flannery to head climate change council | Australian Climate Madness
Who says alarmism doesn’t pay? It does when you have a government like ours in charge:
Video: Horseheads elementary school [teachers promote global warming fraud]
HORSEHEADS, N.Y. -- Students at Ridge Road Elementary in Horseheads are working to fight global warming.

The school kicked off its "Cool the Earth" program Friday with a performance from teachers describing the impact things like carbon and methane have on the environment.
Paul Driessen : An Alarmist Modeler’s History of Climate Change -
Alarmists might be shocked to think the causes of past climate changes were the same natural forces and influences that drive changes in Earth’s complex, chaotic, unpredictable weather and climate today: continental movements and volcanoes, and periodic shifts in water vapor and cloud cover, evaporation and precipitation, ocean currents and jet streams, planetary alignments and the shape of the Earth’s orbit, the tilt and wobble of Earth’s axis, solar energy output, and cosmic rays hitting the planet.
YouTube - 11/13/09 John Stossel on the Global Warming Church and More Liberal Lunacy
[5-minute video]
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison won't leave seat for Texas governor's race until after March primaries
"In the Senate, I will be more than simply a no vote," she said. "I will use every tool at my disposal, call in every favor, twist every arm to defeat the Obama health care and cap and trade," she said.

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