Louisiana: State officials lining up against energy policy
One after another, Louisiana’s statewide elected officials are taking strong stances against President Barack Obama’s proposed energy plan that would, as proposed, reduce the pollution counts connected to global warming and increase the nation’s reliance on cleaner energies. Gov. Bobby Jindal, for one, says that the so-called cap and trade bill “punishes the American energy industry.”Tim Ball: Current Global Temperatures Impossible According to IPCC ‘Science’.
Political leaders say they are going to stop climate change. It is an arrogant, ignorant claim adopted because they accepted IPCC claims and then chose to ignore scientific evidence showing they were wrong. Now they’re ignoring nature, which doesn’t listen as the evidence shows.From noaa.gov: Its a Gas, Man
While carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been increasing over the past 100 years, there is no evidence that it is causing an increase in global temperatures.Senate climate [hoax] bill faces challenges - washingtonpost.com
"We looked for any Republican, in any state legislature in the country, who supported a bill," recalled Minnesota state Rep. Jeremy Kalin. "We found not a one."
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