Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Prepare for better weather: Spain buys 25-mln-euro carbon emission rights from Poland
Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero Monday signed an agreement for the purchase of carbon dioxide emission rights from Poland worth 25 million euros (37 million dollars).
Coal-rich Poland depends on greenhouse gas-producing fossil fuel for 94 percent of its electricity, based on infrastructure dating largely from its communist-era.
PhysOrg Mobile: Australian scientists call for urgent 'global cooling' to save coral reefs
In the lead up to United Nations Copenhagen Climate Change Conference Professors Charlie Veron (former Chief Scientist, Australian Institute of Marine Science) and Ove Hoegh-Guldberg of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and The University of Queensland, have urged the world's leaders to adopt a maximum global emission target of 325 [why not shoot for zero? ;^) ] parts per million (ppm).
Wong Says Australian Climate [Swindle] Law Agreement Difficult (Update2) - Bloomberg.com
The majority of Liberal Party representatives don’t accept that human beings are the cause of global warming, Liberal Senate Leader Nick Minchin said on ABC television’s Four Corners program last night.

“I think it will be particularly difficult given what happened last night on the television,” Wong said of negotiating an agreement on the climate proposals. “I think the issue there demonstrates that there are too many people in the Liberal Party who are not fair dinkum on climate change, who do think it is some sort of conspiracy.”
Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi said the scientific evidence on climate change is increasingly discredited.

“The earth is actually not warming,” he told ABC’s Four Corners. “We still have rainfall falling, we have crops still growing. We can go outside and we won’t cook.”
Boehner: Health bill ‘worse’ than a pile of s--t - TheHill.com
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) earlier this year famously said the climate change bill was a “pile of s--t.”

Reminded of that remark and asked about the healthcare reform bill, Boehner labeled the health legislation “worse” than the climate measure.

His colleagues agree.
US lawmaker urges Cape Wind okay before Copenhagen | Markets | Reuters
Prominent business leaders and politicians, including the late U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy, opposed the project, saying the turbines would be an eyesore and threaten the tourist industry around Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket.
World Wildlife Fund: The hypocrisy that keeps on giving « Green Hell Blog
And to think that it was only about a year ago that we broke the “Five Star Green Hypocrisy” story involving the WWF’s $65,000-per-person, 25-day private luxury jet tour of the world’s most exotic locales.

The WWF and its elitist supporters may think — or may want you to think — that the world is coming to an end because of carbon dioxide, but they plan on savoring every emission they can while denying yours.
Wong: sceptics in “fantasy land” | Australian Climate Madness
“This is fantasy land,” she told Fairfax Radio Network on Tuesday.

“As we get closer to the pointy end of this discussion, the people who have blocked action on climate change for years by denying the science, by scaremongering and by delaying are simply going to become more shrill.
Cash-for-Clunkers = Stimulus for Japan - Henry Payne - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Clunkers greens foreign competitors’ bottom line (HP)

Congress continues to pat itself on the back for its clunkers “stimulus,” hoping that no one notices the details. The latest embarrassment: Having spent $80 billion in taxpayer money to bail out Detroit, federal data confirms that Congress designed a clunkers taxpayer subsidy that boosted the sales of foreign cars.
“War on Climate Change” Will Not Advance Security or Freedom » The Foundry
If the Obama Administration decides to fight this war on climate change, the United States will ultimately lose, coming out of the battle with a weaker economy, weaker security, and weaker personal freedoms. Unlike World War II or the Cold War, when America sought to advance the security of nations and the cause of freedom, this war on climate change will do much to weaken national security and shackle the freedoms of Americans. In its wake, the government will have unprecedented control over the energy industry: the development of fossil fuels will no longer be an option for Americans and the government will decide what kinds of energy can be produced or purchased.

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