Monday, November 30, 2009

Richard S. Lindzen: The Climate Science Isn't Settled -
...What does all this have to do with climate catastrophe? The answer brings us to a scandal that is, in my opinion, considerably greater than that implied in the hacked emails from the Climate Research Unit (though perhaps not as bad as their destruction of raw data): namely the suggestion that the very existence of warming or of the greenhouse effect is tantamount to catastrophe. This is the grossest of "bait and switch" scams. It is only such a scam that lends importance to the machinations in the emails designed to nudge temperatures a few tenths of a degree.
Nancy Pelosi spends $2,993 on flowers - Jake Sherman and Meredith Shiner -
Pelosi, who has come under fire in the past for spending on flowers, also spent roughly $30,610 in food and beverage and about $2,740 on bottled water...House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) spent about $1,561 in bottled water
Flashback: Ditching Bottled Water to Go Green - ABC News
"It's ironic that on some of the labels of the bottles, you see snow-capped mountains and glaciers when in fact the production of the bottle is contributing to global warming, which is melting those snowcaps and those glaciers," said Allen Hershkowitz at the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Climate science email controversy headed for Capitol Hill airing - The Hill's E2-Wire
The committee will “explore with climate scientists from the Obama administration the urgent, consensus view on our planetary problem: that global warming is real, and the science indicates that it is getting worse,” the hearing notice this afternoon states.

But also look for Republicans to ask about emails among climate scientists that were hacked from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in the U.K.
Come Fry with Me - Mark Steyn - The Corner on National Review Online
Wow. 443,243 miles. How many flying polar bears does Dr. Pachauri kill in an average quarter? Well, not to worry, he probably offsets his record-breaking ursocide with carbon credits from carbon billionaire Al Gore.

1 comment:

susan said...

Allen Hershkowitz of the NRDC is passed off as a distinguished 'climate scientist' but his PhD is in "political economics." He has been allowed to hijack Major League Baseball among other things.