Socialist Project | When the Climate Change [Hoax] Center Cannot Hold
...the two main proposed bills – Waxman-Markey which passed in the U.S. House of Representatives and Kerry-Boxer which is under Senate consideration – will do far more harm than good.Mytheology: 350 Inconvenient Lies — The Wesleyan Argus
Don't take it from me; the best source is Congressman Rich Boucher, from a coal-dominated Southwestern Virginia district. Boucher supported Waxman-Markey, he told a reporter last month, precisely because it would not adversely affect his corporate constituencies. The two billion tons of offset allowances in the legislation mean that “an electric utility burning coal will not have to reduce the emissions at the plant site,” chortled Boucher. “It can just keep burning coal.”
If the center is not holding, that's fine: the wave of courageous direct-action protests against climate criminals in recent weeks – and the prospect of ‘Seattling’ Copenhagen on December 16 – is an inspiring reflection of left pressure that will soon counteract that from the right. It's our only hope, isn't it.
Perhaps, lacking the ability to tell self-evident junk science from actual-but-politicized science, Bernhardt and Fischer also need a lesson in math, so I will spell out the conclusion for my readers: 350 parts per million, minus nine lies, multiplied by zero convincing arguments, equals zero credibility. As long as this remains true, I, Senator Lieberman, and anyone else who is unafraid of childish labels and mud-slinging alarmism will stand firm in our opposition to the religious myth of anthropogenic global warming.Green is the colour of climate jealousy
The radical environmentalism of this age is one that could be construed as being fundamentally driven by jealousy. Imagine a world where a majority of people, resist the call for restrictions on business and forge onwards embracing new technologies in an almost 'Randian Fountainhead' type way. Leaving the pulse and lentil brigade to self-flagellate in their humble mottle and daub dwellings and occasionally drowning their pets as a warning to their children about leaving the candle burning for too long. Why should they force themselves to live in that manner based on their requirements to not leave a footprint on Mother Gaia while the rest of us carry on with our natural desire to improve our lives. The environmentalists continue to call in the heavyweight violence of governments to impose restrictions on progress: the upcoming meeting in Copenhagen is just another example of how hard they are trying.Merkel to push climate change [hoax] in “Wall” commemoration speech : e Yugoslavia
Washington – The 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall is giving German Chancellor Angela Merkel a chance to talk to US legislators about an issue close to Europe’s heart: climate change.Solar Science » David Hathaway: Mea Culpa
Merkel on Tuesday will have the historic opportunity granted to few foreign leaders to address a joint session of the US Congress.
I’m not going to add much more than to say that its enjoyable and refreshing to see a senior scientist admit that they were wholly wrong in their predictions.Europe Votes ‘Present’ on ‘Climate Financing’ - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Life was so much simpler for Europe when George W. Bush could be blamed for everything.Piling on the Carnivores - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
How much will polling on "saving the planet" drop once America learns there's no more meat in our diet?Psycmeister's Ice Palace!: Welcome to Lilliput
You see folks, this "global warming" scam has nothing to do with global warming, climate change, or any other rot you can think of.
The self-important, self-centered, self-anointed thieving bastards at "Friends of Earth Europe," are friends only unto themselves, and friends only unto their own pocketbooks. The not-so-secret-secret is that groups like The Sierra Club, Earth First and any other envirowhacko group (not to mention the fat cat Algore, a group unto himself) are nothing but shakedown artists, hellbent on transforming the entire earth and its economy into a communist dystopia...
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