Sunday, November 01, 2009

Panic, little ones, it's the Carbon Monster | The Australian
IF you don't reduce your carbon footprint, then puppies will drown and bunny rabbits will die. And a terrifying, jagged-toothed monster with crazy hooked hands will descend from the clouds to eat you up.

Believe it or not, that is the message being delivered by the British government to children, in a pound stg. 6 million ($10.7m) advertising campaign designed to scare the next generation witless about the alleged horrors of global warming.
'Copenhagen climate conference is not make or break': expert - The Local
"If there is no agreement in Copenhagen, then it will happen next year, probably in Bonn," Liljelund says.
In September, we will come together at a special summit on the margins of the General Assembly. There, we will prepare for a final push at the decisive summit in December in Copenhagen.

Ladies and gentlemen,

This is a make-or-break moment. We must seal the deal.

We absolutely must reach an agreement to reduce greenhouse gases and help millions of families adapt to climate change -- before our time runs out.
Terence Corcoran: Dirty wind-power war - FP Comment
When industries look for government subsidies for money-losing propositions, a common business model these days, one of the most important strategic elements is to make sure you have a well-oiled public relations machine to keep the facts from getting in the way. Voters don’t like to back money-losers, which means keeping them steadily misinformed or at least confused.
C3: Old "Settled Science" Consensus: W. Antarctic Is Quickly Melting; New Consensus: Old Consensus Was Wrong Scientists Discover
Read here. Better equipment and better science finds that West Antarctic ice sheet is not melting nearly as fast as NASA was stating. Plus, the scientists confirmed the ice sheet has been melting over 20,000 years since the last ice age. Who would have thunk? Global warming "consensus" can be counted on to be non-settled science.

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