Sunday, November 29, 2009

Stephanopoulos: ClimateGate Complicates Copenhagen for Obama |
ABC's George Stephanopoulos actually brought up the ClimateGate scandal as a topic for discussion during the Roundtable segment on Sunday's "This Week."
Readers likely began laughing when Krugman said with a straight face:
There is tremendously more money in being a skeptic than there is in being a supporter...It's so much easier, come on. You got the energy industry's behind it. There are 20 times as many believers as there are skeptics in the scientific community. They get almost equal time in the media.
Australians try to stop sheep burping - Telegraph
Of the 200 sheep so far tested, about half produced much more than average while the other half belched considerably less methane.
Global Temperature Records – Above the Law « the Air Vent
Maybe we should just shut up, pay our taxes and trust Phil Jones and this Team of perfectly honest individuals.
Quadrant Online - Watch on the Left
The CRU emails group operates within what amounts to a closed shop of like-minded individuals, which in turn operates within a larger but still small group of like-minded climate scientists. Such a self-affirming environment is great for maintaining consensus and rubber-stamp peer review but is not in the best interests of science, and especially so when the research underpins what amounts to a United Nations drive to restructure human civilization. Imagine questioning a colleague’s findings and immediately being pigeon-holed as a “denier” – that would be a career-killing move if ever there was one. [Via Heliogenic Climate Change]

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