Thursday, November 12, 2009

We're saved!: College To Use Federal Money To Build Solar Array
Vermont's Lyndon State College soon will be adding some solar power to its energy mix, thanks to a federal grant.

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders visited the campus Wednesday to announce a $32,000 U.S. Department of Energy grant for a 5-kilowatt solar power array on the Lyndon campus.

The money will help pay the projected $50,000 cost of the project, which is being spearheaded by students in the college's Sustainability Studies program.
WikiAnswers - How much energy does a clothes dryer use
A clothes dryer uses about 4 kilowatts of power when on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the Chevy Volt is said to guzzle about 4 mpKwh - that means this solar array can power one or two commuters with electric cars, IF the sun shines bright, no cloud covers it, and it's warm so the cars don't need heating