Wonk Room » Lindsey Graham Rebukes Fellow Republicans: ‘The Green Economy Is Coming’
GRAHAM: The reason I’ve gotten involved in this issue is I see kind of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity politically to solve two real problems that I think the country and the world faces. One, carbon pollution. I am no scientist, but I’ve traveled throughout the world with Sen. McCain and others and seen the effects of a warming planet. And I do believe all of the cars we have on the roads, and the trucks, and all the energy we use that produces carbon [dioxide?] daily is not a good thing for the planet.Oct 12, 2009, Greenville town hall: Lindsey Graham wants to "make sure" that Waxman-Markey is dead
I am convinced with my colleagues that controlling carbon pollution is good business. If you do it right, people can make money and you’ll have a cleaner planet and the world will follow.
["What I'm trying to do is make sure that the Markey-Waxman bill from the House is dead. Because it will have about an 800 dollar individual cost per person..."]Interview with the Outgoing South Pole Winter-over | Ice Stories: Dispatches From Polar Scientists
Winter-overs are people who stay on station for the 8-9 long months in which there are no flights into or out of the Pole. Temperatures are just too cold during this period for flights.The Breakthrough Institute: Climate McCarthyism, Part I: Joe Romm's Intimidation Campaign
Joe Romm's recent attack on an independent journalist is further proof of his intimidation campaign aimed at squashing the debate over climate solutions. But bullying only works when nobody stands up to the bully. Jon Stewart has indirectly challenged the climate of intolerance. Will others?C3: Marine Research Is Now Discovering That Ocean Oscillations Causes Coral 'Bleaching', Not Global Warming, Not Human CO2
Anything climate event that is perceived as negative usually results in leftist/liberals (and the MSM) assigning blame to the supposed human-caused, "unprecedented" global warming. Unfortunately for global warming alarmists, objective science always seems to find causes other than human CO2 emissions. The large coral bleaching event of 1998 is another one of those that scientists have determined was not human CO2-based but a result of natural, cyclical events.
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