Sunday, December 27, 2009

American Thinker: Obama's lost face
Why did Chinese premier Wen Jiabao choose to publicly humiliate Barack Obama at Copenhagen? In their eyes, and those of much of the world, he has lost face, and with it, power and influence. While getting widespread play overseas, this story has been kept very quiet by our disinterested, nonpartisan media (I haven't seen it mentioned in any major U.S. outlet).
American Thinker: Is Stalinism Back?
For the Fraudocrats things can only go down from here, because tens of millions of technically savvy people around the world now have access to the HadCRU emails and computer files -- 162 Megabytes of them. They have only begun to work through the computer code. If the crooks responsible are prosecuted, as Lord Monckton has demanded, the evidence for fraud, theft of government property, and conspiracy to defraud hundreds of billions of dollars worth of Carbon Credits will be right in front of the public. The scientific community often boasts about its ability to detect and punish frauds; well, here is a real chance to prove it.
It's time to revisit eco-awareness of 1970s | The Honolulu Advertiser
Certainly many of the young protesters outside the hall recognize the deeper problem and the need for sounder solutions.We just need to change the politics so that at the next summit they're the ones inside the hall.
[The decline and fall of believer] Bob Park - Friday, December 4, 2009
I'm getting a lot of mail asking where I stand on climate change. You're entitled to know. But first, I've gotta own up: I'm not a climate scientist. I rely on information gathered and interpreted by other scientists, everybody does. My source on climate is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) established by the United Nations in 1988, soon after I began writing WN. Along with most scientists, I concluded that anthropogenic warming is real and dangerous; 20 years later I still do. If warming is caused by human activity, and we have taken no steps to modify our behavior, the result will be catastrophic. A long-term solution calls for two changes throughout society: higher efficiency and lower fertility. If warming turns out not to be caused by humans, we will still have left our progeny with a better world.
[on ClimateGate] All that's left is to figure out who paid for the break- in. That book has already been written.

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