Monday, December 28, 2009 - Regional district not buying carbon credits
The Regional District of Fraser-Fort George has backed away from purchasing carbon offsets to achieve carbon neutrality 2012.
Developing an anti-idling policy, purchasing more fuel-efficient vehicles and developing a fuel monitoring system could save 3,000 L of gasoline and 4,500 L of diesel per year – reducing emissions by 20 tonnes per year.
CCX CFI End of Day Summary
[Note that you can currently buy 20 tons of questionable 2009 CO2 offsets for a total of 3 bucks]
James Hoggan [promotes global warming fraud] / The Christian Science Monitor -
A: I think the advantage here is in the skeptics' court on a number of fronts. One reason is the enormous amount of money that has gone into doing basic research on framing the issue and messaging. That information gets passed around and amplified. You have a network to create an echo chamber, and you can do it over a couple of decades — especially when you're only trying to sell doubt. You're not trying to get people to change their way of life, or learn more, like environmentalists, who need to think about this issue, and think about options.
Bear Market News: A CONVENIENT DELUSION: Global Warming Denial
Today, as the Copenhagen fiasco indicates, the deniers and their corporate sponsors appear to have the upper hand. Thus the public belief in and concern about global warming continue to erode. Quite frankly, I am very pessimistic.
Global warming brainwashing turns kids into save-the-earth rebels at home
The green architects behind the anti-global warming campaign seem hell-bent on “reversing the industrial revolution,” says columnist and blogger David Huntwork.

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