Saturday, December 26, 2009

The best climate cartoons of 2009 « Climate Progress

Climate change is major issue, says church leader
The co-leader of the Anglican Church in New Zealand says climate change will be the biggest issue for the church in 2010.
Weekly Address Watch: Behaving like a man who wishes that the issue would just go away, for the twenty-second time in twenty-four weeks, Obama ignores global warming
...we wanted to take a moment to send greetings from our family—from me, from Michelle, from Malia and Sasha—and from Bo.
Global warming debate stumbles over shady tactics | Elizabeth Hovde - –
While most people rightly agree the environment is worth protecting, that alternative energy sources need exploring and that reducing energy consumption is a worthwhile goal, whether the Earth is dangerously warming or not, the public deserves to hear all sides of the discussion. We need scientists who are more committed to figuring out how the Earth's climate is changing and why than to having the most Al Gore-friendly theories.
'GMA' Featured Christmas 'Spiritual Leader': Look to God to Ease Fears of 'Upswings in Global Warming' |

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