Wednesday, December 02, 2009

[Bring it on]: Climategate Proves Sunlight Best Reply to Skeptics: Eric Pooley -
Yes, the skeptics will cull data and make misleading arguments, and mouthpieces like Inhofe will trumpet them. Yet there is no better way to expose such false claims than to subject them to vigorous, transparent peer review.
Climategate? What Climategate?
Let's do what Einstein would have called a "thought experiment." If this multi-megabyte hijacking of private e-mails had made the other side look as bad as the AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) side now looks – you know, if the ones with red faces and shortness of breath and "No comment!" were George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove or Sarah Palin – can you imagine the major media's reaction? They'd be starting with an earthquake and forever working their way up to a climax.
Republican candidates run from climate [hoax] - Lisa Lerer -
Kirk is one of a growing group of Republican candidates flip-flopping away from cap and trade as they stare down more-conservative primary challengers. Republicans who once flouted their green bona fides are tacking right, to the point of questioning the science behind global warming, believing it’s politically toxic within the conservative base to favor anything Democrats want to do about the climate.
“This issue has become very, very radioactive,” said former Virginia Rep. Tom Davis, the onetime chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. “People have started to run away from this.”
Australian Senate defeats carbon trading bill | Environment |
Defeat of carbon trading bill delivers blow to government that had hoped to set an example [they have set an example; it's just not the one that they had in mind] at international climate change talks in Copenhagen
Running scared | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Yesterday it was a moral crime to delay an instant in ramming through Rudd’s great green tax on everything
Today it’s suddenly fine to wait another two months...
Twitter / Roger von Oech
Who's winning the stonewalling contest? Tiger vs the local police, or the MSM vs the idea that Climategate's a major story?
Julian Glover on Australia's opposition liberals dumping leader over climate change | Environment |
Julian Glover on Australia's opposition liberals dumping leader over climate change [MP3]

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