Tuesday, December 01, 2009

C3: Paleo-Climate Scientists Find Proof of Medieval Warming In Waters Off The Bahamas; Climategate Scientists Proven Wrong
The scientists associated with the Climategate fraud fiasco have presented multiple studies claiming that modern temperatures are "unprecedented" versus those in last 3,000 years. In addition, they continually state that any Medieval Warming Period was located only in the high northern latitudes affecting Western Europe primarily. As the Bahamian evidence confirms, both of these claims by the climate alarmist scientists are wrong.
C3: A Climategate Solution: Open & Transparent Peer-Reveiw of Climate Model Software, ASAP
NASA shuttles, with a handful of humans, requires pristine software code and modeling. Likewise, if trillions of dollars are supposedly required to save billions of humans from climate change, then the supporting software and climate modeling programming has to also be pristine, stripped of all unprofessional coding and built-in programmer biases similar to those the CRU software was laden with. The only way to accomplish this is to have an open peer-review process that will go through the climate model code line-by-line, with thousands collaborating via the Internet.

It's the bare minimum the "world's leaders" at Copenhagen should demand of the climate scientific community, now that the deep-seated scientific Climategate fraud has been exposed.
We pay a high price for misinterpreting evidence about climate change - Telegraph
Political eagerness to be seen to tackle climate change through cutting carbon emissions may lead to valuable resources being misused
Gordon Brown the eco-warrior might swing the green vote his way - Telegraph
Not since the emergence of Swampy, the Newbury bypass tunneller, has Britain produced a doughtier eco-warrior than Mr Brown. His garden boasts a wormery and compost bins, his computer is never left on stand-by, and No 10's feuds and furores are illuminated by low-energy light bulbs.
Debunking the Great Global Warming Conspiracy Conspiracy : TreeHugger
One of the strangest things about the ongoing non-controversy over the hacked climate emails is that it's revealed how irrational much of the thinking behind global warming denial really is.

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