Monday, December 21, 2009

Carbon is now the millstone around Rudd’s neck | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
The failure of Copenhagen makes it now impossibly hard for Kevin Rudd to sell his emissions trading scheme to Australians. Already the revolt is fast gaining steam:
Top staffer for Lugar (R-IN) labels Copenhagen Accord a “home run”
“Home run,” said Mark Helmke, a top staffer to Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), the ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee. “Satisfied the Europeans. Made China into a major world player, but made them accountable. Elevated India, Brazil and South Africa to world stage. Cut an important side deal with Russians on arms control.”
American Thinker Blog: Some background on Obama's Copenhagen failure
President Obama hustled himself back onto Air Force One after a brief, embarrassing, unsophisticated, unsatisfying, and insignificant appearance at the United Nations Climate Conference, which is, thankfully, over after two very expensive weeks of carbon emissions.

Let's count the ways it all went "south" at the climate change summit in Copenhagen:
American Thinker: Global Warming's Forlorn Hope
...human nature being what it is, the next doomsday campaign will be upon us soon enough. Climate's been used twice in the last forty years and is pretty much worn out. But biology's always good, particularly when you throw in genetic engineering. I'd vote for something scary involving microbes. What do you think?
Toxic Green Cloud Over Copenhagen—By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine)
I witnessed a similar phenomenon in Brazil in 1992, when I was a reporter for the Associated Press during the Earth Summit. Thousands and thousands of greens poured in for that affair, spending enough organizational and personal money to preserve most of the Amazon rain forest.

Meanwhile, keep your eyes open for fundraising letters from all those green groups on their way home from Copenhagen. Somebody has to pick up the Danish bar tab.
Consequences of Copenhagen: Forget the Club of Rome, This is the Club Of Losers - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
After days of negotiations, debate, political drama and pages of will-they or won't-they headlines, the Copenhagen climate conference is over. And there is no conclusive agreement on any important issues. So did the situation produce any winners -- or has the whole world become a club for environmental losers?
Heavy snowfall paralyses the Netherlands
The Netherlands' meteorological institute KNMI issued a weather alert Sunday calling the situation "extreme". Snowfall nationwide was the heaviest on record since 1979.

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