Monday, December 07, 2009

CBC News - St. John's gets record snowfall
The city of St. John's saw a record snowfall Sunday, as the region was hit with the first real taste of winter.

"The old record [for Dec. 6] was in 2002, and it was around 20 centimetres," meteorologist Wanda Rideout told CBC News. "The new record for yesterday is now 39.4 centimetres."
Oregon: Cold weather puts pipes at risk |
Three consecutive nights of minus-6 degrees on Dec. 8, 9 and 10 that year are the all-time record low temperatures recorded in Medford since the National Weather Service began collecting data in 1911.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » Physicists Ask American Physical Society to Rescind Its Statement on Global Warming Because It Was Based on “Cheat[ing]” and “Corrupted” Work 
By now everyone has heard of what has come to be known as ClimateGate, which was and is an international scientific fraud, the worst any of us have seen in our cumulative 223 years of APS membership.
Twitter / Andy Revkin
4 interruptions by PNG's Kevin Conrad - trying to switch voting to 3/4 approval from unanimous. Mouse roars again?...
Climate Change - Bali Climate Talks - Kevin Conrad - Papua New Guinea -
Mr. Conrad, 39, was born in the United States to Papuan parents but grew up in Wewak on New Guinea’s northern coast. He studied finance at top American universities, worked in investment banking and lives with his family in the New York City area. Besides representing New Guinea in climate talks, he runs the Rainforest Coalition, a group formed by tropical countries seeking compensation for the benefits of not cutting their forests.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » The Evolution of Activism
Postscript: In the language of mathematics (I mentioned before I am in the middle of Goedel-Escher-Bach) if actually aiding someone is “helping,” then I guess organizing people to help is meta helping, and lobbying government to force other people to help is meta meta helping and so advocating on your blog that people should lobby the government to force other people to help is meta meta meta helping. Must really warm Drum’s heart to be so directly connected with helping people.
Climate change: what the scientists say
What governments agree on is this - if the climate science is right, then the fate of the world and all human civilisation could be at stake, and inaction or denial should not even be an option.

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