CBS Reports ClimateGate During Show Preempted By Football |
Once again, as a result of Saturday's college football game, few people in the country actually saw this report.News « Climate Audit – mirror site
I’ve agreed to appear on Campbell Brown, CNN tomorrow.Heliogenic Climate Change: Quote of the day
Also, I was taped last week by Fox News for a documentary which (I think) will be on this week. They interviewed me for a couple of hours. This was before the weekend squash tournament and they were interested in climate rather than squash. They were in Toronto for the Munk Debates and also interviewed George Monbiot (who I had a very pleasant cup of coffee with off both our records) and others. They were very well prepared – far more than anyone else. They knew (and asked) about such esoterica as the Starbucks Hypothesis. I’m not experienced in this type of interview and I’m sure that my answers were invariably too dull. We’ll see.
"This gets to the issue that the “consensus” reports now are just the consensus of those who agree with the consensus." -- John ChristyHide the Decline – Redux « the Air Vent
This is ugly ugly science, written with the intent to hide the decline and make things ‘ worse than we thought’. There are endless examples of this in these emails. Since PNAS is investigating Mann (yeah right) perhaps they ought to be looking for a pattern in behavior.Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Climate Scientist Threatens Boycott of NYT Reporter
Haven't these guys gotten into enough trouble in trying to stage manage discussions of climate issues? Rather than complain about the fact that people who they may disagree with are being heard in public discussions, why don't they just stick to arguing the merits of particular arguments, including their political views and opinions?
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