Monday, December 21, 2009

Climate Change Alarmists in Hot Water - The Oregon Catalyst
Unfortunately, the global warming ideology is too embedded into environmental organizations, renewable energy companies and governments alike to be reversed by proof of climate research “modification.” As alarmists declare that the world will burn if we do not drastically alter our standard of living, information in the leaked emails and documents will continue to shed light on how climate scientists have steered the debate towards sensational stories of exaggerated doom in order to land lucrative research grants. Perhaps only the onset of an ice age will turn the tide on the global warming issue. Until then, hold onto your personal freedoms, as many would like to take them away under the speculative rationale that more government control over our daily lives will save the planet from destruction.
GOP slams climate effort -
But Pelosi pledged on CNN on Friday that the bill would be signed in 2010.

“I want to remove all doubt this bill will get through the United States Senate and it will pass the Congress and it will be signed by the president in this Congress, which means in the year 2010,” the speaker said shortly following Sensenbrenner’s remarks.
My message to Mayor Nickels | West Seattle Herald / White Center News
Dear Outgoing Mayor Nickels,

We too appreciate the profit opportunity Albert Gorelioni's anthropogenic global warming scam presents. It's tempting! Indeed, you've brilliantly parlayed your career for a commissioning into the Gore/Obama skimming operation. "Cap-n-Tax" would extort industry, it workers and all consumers to buy "castles in the sky" carbon credits. In contrast, Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme was a parlor game! Don't do it! Think of your legecy.
PBS Ombudsman Agrees NewsHour Slighted 'Fascinating' Climategate E-Mails |
PBS Ombudsman Michael Getler agreed with conservative letter-writers that the NewsHour covered Climategate "lightly and well after the fact," even though he expressed the standard liberal belief that the "overwhelming" evidence is on the man-made dramatic warming side, and there's a "danger of establishing false equivalence" -- in other words, the liberals have more truth on their side.
NBC’s Holt Suggests ‘A Lot More Needs to Be Done’ to Curb Global Warming |
Below are complete transcripts of the relevant stories from NBC’s Today show and the NBC Nightly News from Saturday, December 19
Trouble over tree rings
What exists now in the public domain is scientific conflict and uncertainty that goes to the heart of climate change science -- past, present and future.
American Thinker: Obama Gives China a Free Pass to Emit CO2
The Copenhagen Conference ended in failure. The "Copenhagen Accord," negotiated by a few of the participants at the end, is worth only the paper it will be printed on. It is a possibly disastrous framework for future negotiations to take place in Bonn, Germany in mid-2010. It suggests that the U.S. will once again pay most of the costs and get few of the benefits, if any.

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