Friday, December 11, 2009

Climategate distracts at Copenhagen - -
...the Environmental Defense Fund’s Peter Goldmark told POLITICO Wednesday that climategate isn’t coming up in private meetings among nongovernmental organizations in Copenhagen and is not an issue for negotiators.

But again and again this week, U.N. officials and government leaders have felt the need to defend climate science in public — something few of them would have thought necessary just a few weeks ago.
“It’s another Internet frenzy thing,” Goldmark told POLITICO Wednesday. “These things get a life, and they reproduce themselves like little bacteria. ... Our attitude is, it’s the same old stuff from the same old people, and it doesn’t change the science at all. None of the NGOs pay a lot of attention to it.”
Twitter / G Gordon Liddy
Is #climategate being covered-up..Chris Horner of CEI joins Gordon with the latest
Climate change puts us all in the same boat. One hole will sink us all | Kofi Annan -
And it could usher in an era of qualitatively new international co-operation based on common but differentiated responsibilities – not just for managing climate change, but for human development, social justice and global security.

Ultimately, at stake is whether our leaders can work to help us save ourselves from … well, from ourselves. The legacy of today's politicians will be determined in the weeks to come.
Has Ukip got more than it bargained for in recruiting Viscount Monckton? | Goerge Monbiot | Environment |
If the climate sceptic is to be believed, Ukip has landed a Nobel laureate, member of the Lords, saviour of the forces and inventor of the universal cure
Copenhagen diary: Mystery guests, taxpayer travel, and cheering up Yvo | Environment |
The UN has just released the list of people accredited to the official conference so it is possible to see for the first time exactly who is here or is due to come. Actually it's quite difficult. The list extends to three volumes and more than 300 pages. But just dipping in, we find that an organisation called TheCompensators has brought nearly 150 people, including the likes of her excellency Ms Princess Haya Bint Al Hussain of Jordan, Prince Albert of Monaco, as well as George Clooney, Tommy Lee Jones, Sir David Attenborough, Werner Herzog, the head of US chemical company DuPont, the Bishop of London and someone called "Mr Richard Benson, the "founder of Virgin Unite". That could be Mr Branson, but no one will confirm it. But who - or what - are TheCompensators?
Wild and substantiated rumours swirling around the conference:
• The US is going to offer a paltry $800m as its contribution to the $10bn a year quick-start fund to help poor countries adapt to climate change

• Much of the text of the Mexican, British and Norwegian proposal for a green fund came from Climate Change Capital, (CCC) a London-based investment and consultancy firm specialising in the low-carbon industry. Just about everything that the British are pushing seems to have been proposed at some point by CCC. Earlier this year CCC said the government should issue "carbon bonds".

Will someone please hug Yvo de Boer, the head of the talks. He always looks a bit stressed at these meetings but this year he has a particularly gloomy air.
Opinion | Making the connection: climate change on population | Ellen Goodman - Seattle Times Newspaper
The idea that I can balance flying by preventing a few little carbon footprints smacks of an elitism I thought went out with the Raj. Indeed to prove the point, the newspaper story was illustrated by a Busby Berkeley arrangement of African babies in a circle. So I pop off at the PopOffsetters.
We don’t need no stinkin' evidence | Paul Driessen - Energy & Environment
Evidence tampering like this would get legal cases thrown out of court - and land the manipulators in jail. To use it in advancing economy-wrecking energy policies is criminal.
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Daily Gut: Thank the Media for Climate Change Hysteria
Look, there are more examples of bias that I can give you – but you’re right – this is a new science, which is exactly why this hysteria is so criminal. The fact is, if a scientific conclusion is embraced well before the science is thoroughly examined – and then infected with a sense of overzealous activism by folks with a thirst for recognition and power – it’s no wonder that critical viewpoints are ultimately “smoothed out,” like discrepancies on a hockey stick chart.
'Washington Post' Op-Ed Editor Defends Running Palin Column
Brewington said the piece drew more reaction than most Op-Eds, adding that it ranked among the 10 most-read articles on the Post Web site Wednesday. "We are getting a lot of feedback. I have heard from a few more people today than I normally would have," she said. "Some people I think were glad that Palin had a voice in the Post, some were critical of her writing about climate change."

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