Climatologist “scientist” calls a skeptic an a-hole « Don Surber
Climatologists, well… I guess they cannot argue the facts because, well, they made theirs up. And so they call people names.ClimateGate Professor Calls G-Warming Skeptic 'A**hole' on Live TV |
Isn't it fascinating to see how quickly folks that complain about character assassination jump to using it themselves when they're losing a debate?American Thinker: Sudan despot embraces 'climate justice' in Copenhagen
Any change in the global balance of wealth and power will not end up in the hands of shaggy idealists marching around with placards. The new sources of strength will go to ambitious regimes in the developing world like China and its brutal allies like Sudan. Only at the UN could such an outcome be called justice or embraced by self-styled progressives.American Thinker: Understanding Climategate's Hidden Decline
Of course, asking Americans to pay reparations based on the claim they’ve done harm to other nations by spoiling the climate is like asking me to pay damages to my neighbor based on his claim that he can’t sell his house because my great-grandmother’s ghost is haunting it.BBC - Ethical Man blog: A flight that almost cost me my marriage
As many have known and Climategate has proven, either would be equally preposterous.
But at least belief in ghosts is only marginally inspired by fraud.
We decided that I should illustrate the impact of flying by jetting off for a weekend in Jamaica.
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