Sunday, December 06, 2009

Confederate Yankee: Obama: The Climate Change Denier and Threat
No credible person can now claim that the science is settled, and any objective person would have to agree with the UK's Met Office that the existing value-added data is worthless and that the raw data and raw data alone must be re-examined, a process that will not be complete before 2012.

But our President is not an objective one. His is a radical left-wing ideologue, and man-made climate change is a matter of theological faith for him. For Barack Obama, compromised or even blatantly falsified data is irrelevant. He is as committed a zealot as Al Gore, and addicted the the thought of the control he can exert over Americans if he can simply ram through his agenda... facts or fraud be damned.
Liberal Conspiracy » Climate change sceptics? Really?
If Montgomerie is right about the strength of scepticism at all levels, then it is not at all surprising that Grice reports that there are ’sleeper’ allies at the top table.
World Concerns About Climate Change Dwindle - Survey -
The Nielsen/Oxford University survey showed that 37 percent of more than 27,000 Internet users in 54 countries said they were "very concerned" about climate change, down from 41 percent in a similar poll two years ago.
'Until the West makes sacrifices, nothing will change' - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent
"Until there's some really radical determination to change this, and the wealthy West stops and sacrifices the things it take for granted now, nothing's going to change," [photographer] Parr said. "It's just going to get worse and worse. Ultimately, until you have radical action from governments, nothing will change."
So should we blindly follow the insane advice of some random photographer, or should we think for ourselves?

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