Sunday, December 06, 2009

Graph of Arctic sea ice extent: Why aren't these wiggles merely natural variations?
[Remember, Arctic sea ice is supposed to convince us that AGW is a serious threat, even after the fraudulent science has been exposed]
Video: Bangladesh climate [hoax] aid - 'We are getting peanuts' | Environment |
The finance minister of Bangladesh, Abul Maal Abdul Muhith, complains about climate adaptation funding levels - and calls for industrialised nations to start opening their doors to global warming migrants
The carbon-cutting crew's faulty logic | Tim Worstall | Comment is free |
I've a small confession to make and where better to make it than here? I'm one of those classical liberal types with the libertarian mindset that sees the carbon-cutters as, in general, authoritarian, super-statist, quasi-socialist conspirators intent on bossing people around and interfering with their lives and liberties. Having confessed, I'm now going to prove that it's true, that it's not just my belief but a true reflection of the world.
'Climategate' may harm Dem agenda - -
“This is a sea change in our culture,” said Marc Morano, a former Republican staffer turned prominent climate change skeptic. “Wait until January or February you’re going to see numbers (on belief in global warming) that have dropped through the floor.”
Rep. James Sensenbrenner, (R-Wisc.), suggested the emails could suggest "a massive scientific international fraud" in a hearing before the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.

"The scientists may be able to change their story and do more research, but once Congress passes a law, it will be as difficult to undo the consequences of that law as putting milk back in the cow," he said.
Would GOP majority in 2010 mean "climategate", Obama investigations?
"Climategate" isn't getting much play from the mainstream media, but the word is out, and a lot of voters are paying attention. What they see is suspect science, a huge scandal, and Democrats who are pretending it never happened. Once people understand what Cap and Trade is all about they are decidedly against it.
YouTube - BBC Exposes Global Warming Computer Programming Code (ClimateGate): 'Fudge Factor'

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