Thursday, December 24, 2009

Countering Sen. Kerry’s Catastrophic Climate Claims (Part 2) — MasterResource
Editor note: On November 10, 2009, Mr. Green testifed before the Senate Committee on Finance about global warming. During the course of his testimony, an obviously agitated Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) challenged Ken on different aspects of the climate debate. His responses are printed here. [Part I of this series ran yesterday.]
C3: NASA Researchers Discover Their Understanding of Aerosols Is 'Unsatisfactory'; Serious Problem For Climate Change Assessments
The researchers found the following, which indicates a major climate model and assessment weakness...
BBCW: Bungalow Bill's Wacky Liberal of the Year #8: The Climate Crooks
The climate crooks are as follows: the Hadley CRU scientists, the United Nations, Al Gore, and Barack Obama. In the United States, if you write an e-mail claiming you are going to kill the president or bomb a national landmark while yelling Allah's name, chances are you are going to get the fed's attention. When you write e-mails describing how you fix temperatures to fraud taxpayers out of millions of dollars, it goes overlooked without investigation. I wonder what would happen if you were a global warming scientist named Madoff?
So what did we learn in all of this? It's okay to fraud the American people out of millions of dollars as long as the federal government eventually gets their share, but if the federal government is out of the picture, as in the case of Bernie Madoff, well, you go to federal penitentiary.
HeraldNet: Copenhagen: An important step forward
The climate conference in Copenhagen is over. And despite the general sense that the conference failed to create breakthrough agreements, there is one stunning achievement: the facts of climate change are no longer in serious dispute.
C3: Is Solar The Major Influence On Climate Cooling & Warming? Multiple Asian Peer-Research Studies Confirm Solar Impact
IPCC Climategate scientists have conveniently dismissed the influence of the Sun on the climate, by simply rejecting any solar science being included in the IPCC reports. Outside of the IPCC though, peer-reviewed research is determining that solar, not CO2, is the primary climate driver.
Die Klimazwiebel: Research Ethics
The point is the attempt to manipulate the peer review process and the drafting of the IPCC reports.

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