The Daily Bayonet » Global Warming Weekly Round-Up, Dec. 10th, 2009
...don’t miss your chance to vote in the Most Alarmist Alarmism by an Alarmist Awards.Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Guest Post by Jean Goodwin: What Firm Foundation?
Science "conversation" is outnumbering solution "conversation" by about 2:1, and values "conversation" by close to 10:1--and that's among readers of the NYT.Federal judges to West Virginia: No coal, no wind « Don Surber
So when we look for a "basis" or "foundation"--something that will stop argument--we end up instead with more "conversation"--i.e., more debate. Why? Here's one possibility: To promise to provide a "basis" or "foundation" for policy is to undertake a very, very large commitment to defend your view in the public sphere. But promising to take on all comers only invites your adversaries to come out to play. Maybe those of us who favor doing something about climate change should admit that our policies aren't going to have a "firm foundation" in this, as indeed in most cases--and start arguing about values and solutions instead?
I say cut off the electricity to these groups and these judges.Senate EPW Policy Beat: The Hockey Stick Revisted | The SPPI Blog
After all, that is what they want to do to the 1.8 million people in West Virginia.
“At Mann’s FTP site, there is a folder in the NOAMER directory called BACKTO_1400-CENSORED. You can imagine how intrigued we had been by this folder…Given [Mann's] subsequent furious excoriation and accusations of ‘selective censoring,’ we were amused to find results similar to ours lurking on his FTP site in a folder called ‘CENSORED’.” (. 42)The Escaped CRU files - a Third Option | The SPPI Blog
Is the simple mix-up of a few characters possible? Of course it is. I’ve worked for an organisation that has machines with very similar names at different points in its network and I can tell you that it is very easy to accidentally send files to the wrong machine.Matthews Calls Palin A 'Troglodyte' For Not Buying Global Warming |
Of course if this hypothesis is correct then maybe a search of other CRU machines will reveal the data that we’ve been told has been deleted. Now wouldn’t that be a surprise!
Did you know that if you don't believe man is responsible for global warming you're a prehistoric cavedweller completely unaware of what's going on in the world?Wunder Blog : [Why you should allegedly trust alarmist Jeff Masters, not realist Bill Gray]
So said MSNBC's Chris Matthews during a discussion on Wednesday's "Hardball" when he referred to Sarah Palin and everybody else that doesn't agree with Nobel Laureate Al Gore's view of climate change as "troglodytes."
I will try to give you some relevant background on Bill Gray and myself, so that you can come up with your own answer for which of us is more likely to have the correct answer.YouTube - RussiaToday - COP15: Another example of politics intruding on science
Many experts are skeptical about the work of the Copenhagen summit, particularly as the fallout from Climategate continues to roil the community. Patrick Michaels, a senior fellow at the CATO Institute says that scientists who advocate global warming are interpreting data in a way that will let them influence policy.Graham, Kerry, Lieberman press conference today at 2 pm on bipartisan climate [scam] and clean energy bill « Climate Progress
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) will hold a press conference today to discuss the Senate’s progress on comprehensive climate change and energy independence legislation.Cartoonist promotes climate fraud!: No E-Mails Can Hide an Inconvenient Truth « Climate Progress
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