Wednesday, December 23, 2009

F for Effort -
Think the World Isn't Coming to an End? It's All in Your Head.
In the latest example of "accountability journalism," the Associated Press holds "ordinary folks" accountable for lacking "a sense of urgency" about global warming. The wire service puts us all on the couch...
"The CRU webserver is gradually being rebuilt"
(CRU being the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, Holy of Holies in the temple of Warmism)

Or so we learn from their minimalist webite. One consequence of the "rebuilding" is that the picture of Phil Jones that I had at the top of this blog is now no longer hosted by the UEA. Amusing. Is the "rebuild" designed to distance the UEA from him? You decide.
Met Office Archives Data and Code « Climate Audit
The UK Met Office has released a large tranche of station data, together with code.

Only last summer, the Met Office had turned down my FOI request for station data, saying that the provision of station data to me would threaten the course of UK international relations. Apparently, these excuses have somehow ceased to apply.
Obama the Calculator: A Copenhagen Postmortem -- CO2-phobic David Corn - Politics Daily
For the past two weeks, as I covered the Copenhagen climate summit, I was able to observe closely the political calculus of Barack Obama. The conference peaked (or crashed) with a master stroke for Obama -- but perhaps not for the planet and billions of its inhabitants whose lives depend upon stabilizing the atmosphere.
CRU Releases (Some) Data « the Air Vent
Since before 1990, the entire thing could have fit on a harddrive quite easily. I wonder what happened to the raw data implemented in 1990? I do suspect that the inital problem was partially data storage but what about the years since? And what about the future? And if Dr. Jones doesn’t mind, we’ll be the ones to determine if something untoward happened. I’m certainly not in the mood to have the towardness assigned by these people at this point.

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