Saturday, December 26, 2009

[A familiar name weighs in]: India's coal reserves [allegedly] to run out in 45 years
''It's a myth that India has a virtually unlimited supply of coal,'' said Rajendra Pachauri, director-general of TERI. ''Much of our coal is so deep that it cannot be mined. We have been fed exaggerated figures.''

So far, estimates from geological studies have suggested that India had about 267 billion tonnes of coal, including 105 billion tonnes of proven reserves. Such estimates gave rise to expectations that reserves would last for more than a century, if not double that.
Global Warming, a Hoax?
Is global warming really a hoax which merely benefited grant-seeking scientists and academics, ratings-obsessed television networks and their misinformed viewers and opportunistic eco-activists, all of whom show the same tolerance to opposing views as the communists did in the 1960s and 1970s? The result of a new study by Dr Richard Lindzen and Yong-Sang Choi from MIT that uses temperature data from satellites raises precisely such doubts.
Copenhagen: Hysterical pressure groups lose the plot - Telegraph
Many climate change activists remain sunk in anti-Americanism, says Geoffrey Lean.
How to change climate at party - Winnipeg Free Press
Only time will tell how serious the threat of global warming is or isn't, but one thing is certain: global warming is the new religion.

It's the topic of conversation most likely to inflame emotions and least likely to provoke rational dialogue.
Something to think about between blizzards | Paul Mulshine -
The weather for the re-enactment of Washington's crossing of the Delaware seems to have been about the same as for the original crossing back in 1776. That was at the dawn of a mini-ice age. Are we at the dawn of another one? No serious scientist can say.

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