Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Google Translate: Silent on widespread fraud
According to the European police force Europol is the European market for trading CO2 permeated with fraud. In some countries up to 90 percent of sales related to fraud, communicate to Europol.

In total it is estimated that in the past 18 months have been defrauded of more than 37 billion dollars. 
Ambush Predator: MSM & Environmentalists Lose Faith…
…in that ‘indigenous societies can teach us in the evil West much about nature’ stuff. And the keystone was one of the most natural events of all; a big male predator killing the future competition and getting itself a meal in the bargain.
Oh, Jose, don’t expect to be invited to address any future global warming conferences in native dress after that! No canapés and limos in your future, I suspect…
BBC News - Developing countries split on CO2
A major split between developing countries emerged on the third morning of UN climate talks here.
Lorne Gunter: The skeleton of climate change - Full Comment
This is about implementing carbon taxes or cap-and-trade schemes or building huge carbon sequestration systems — more to prove we care than to clear the air.

Without the CRU, the climate crusade is just so much symbolism over substance. But since symbolism is the whole point of Copenhagen, no one there cares.
Op-Ed Contributor - We Have a Real Emergency - MIKHAIL GORBACHEV -
[Carbon dioxide] is directly linked to security issues and to increasingly dangerous ethnic and international conflicts; to mass migrations and displacements of people, which are already destabilizing politics and economics; to growing poverty and social inequality; to the water crisis and energy and food shortages.
Science indicates that the global temperature increase should be limited to 1 or 2 degrees Celsius.
The global economy must be reoriented toward the public good.

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