Thursday, December 03, 2009

The Himalayan Times : Aussie House rejects carbon cuts - Detail News : Nepal News Portal
Supporters of the legislation said the parliamentary argument had not focussed on the right issue. “What we are debating is whether the science of climate change is real or not. That debate is over,” said Greens senator Christine Milne.
As Climate Summit Nears, Skeptics Gain Traction - Climate fraud promoter BRYAN WALSH  - TIME
If Jones is found to have actively encouraged his scientists to dodge Freedom of Information Act requests, which some of the e-mails suggest, he should almost certainly resign from his post.
[Stunningly stupid quote from alarmist Kevin Trenberth]: 'Climategate' and Copenhagen: Will E-Mails Sink Summit? - TIME
The CRU at East Anglia is of particular interest to skeptics because it is one of the leading centers for research into what is called global warming "proxy" data, which is based on indicators, such as tree rings, that are not scientific instruments. Because many skeptics question the validity of such data, they have attempted, through Freedom of Information Act requests, to gain access to the numbers used by researchers at the CRU and other publicly funded research centers. Those requests have repeatedly been denied. Mann believes this is what prompted the apparent hacking into the CRU system. "They were going to get that information one way or another," he says.
Although Trenberth favors greater transparency, he also asks, "Is it right that Phil Jones should simply hand over his lifetime's work? Shouldn't the skeptics have to go back and do the work themselves, rather than simply requesting that it be given to them?"
Flashback: Willis vs. The CRU: A History of (FOI) Evasion « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
I find it somewhat disquieting that an FOI request is necessary to force a scientist to reveal the data used in his publicly funded research … is this truly the standard that the CRU is promulgating?
Willis Eschenbach

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