Sunday, December 06, 2009

How not to measure temperature, part 92 – surrounded by science « Watts Up With That?
The car park asphalt at 6 meters away puts the station rating at CRN4, based on NOAA’s site quality rating system used for their Climate Reference Network. I’ve found that the vast majority of historical stations in the USA have been affected this way
Global Warming And Glacier Melt-Down Debate | Energy & Environment
In summary, the glaciers in the Himalayas are retreating, but NOT any faster than other glaciers in the Arctic and elsewhere. The two large and most important glaciers of the Himalayas show very little retreat at this point in time. The primary reason for retreat of some of the other glaciers seems to be lack of adequate winter snow accumulation. This depletion of winter snow could be due many factors like inter-annual variability of winter precipitation or possible southward displacement of the sub-tropical jet stream which straddles the Himalayan Mountains over a long 1500 km path.
Hot Air » Blog Archive » NYT: Climategate not a “three-alarm story”
There were a lot more than three alarm bells ringing over this story for the last two weeks. The NYT chose not to listen, and Hoyt does nothing more than provide some weak rationalizations for those decisions.
The Not-So-Funny Pages: A Great Global Warming Cartoon
From the Examiner’s Nate Beeler...
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » The Science Has Been Settled the Same Way Elections Are Settled in Cuba
Apparently Google has launched a site where you can “vote” on climate change and the IPCC process. Except that you can only vote “yes.” Fill in your name and hit submit, and you are counted as having voted the party line. Seriously. Since when does this meet anyone’s definition of “vote?”
MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: A change for good in the climate debate | Mail Online
What is now needed is a reshaping of the debate, in which the global warming partisans acknowledge that their case is not universally accepted, that their remedies are not necessarily the right ones and that their critics have motives as honest as theirs.

1 comment:

dearieme said...

"the global warming partisans acknowledge ... that their critics have motives as honest as theirs": what an insult!