Friday, December 04, 2009

On the Horn with the Warming All-Stars - Stephen Spruiell - Planet Gore on National Review Online
3. The first question comes from Andrew Revkin of the New York Times. “You guys have worked really hard to keep yourself separate from the political process,” Revkin says, and yet [Center for American Progress] has a specific political agenda. Why do this call through CAP? Mann replies that the conference call was CAP’s idea, and that he agreed to it because CAP is “a wonderful venue for us to get out what the science has to say and to address these specious allegations.”
C) Despite Revkin’s assertion that these guys have “worked really hard” to steer clear of politics, the scientists repeatedly talk about the importance of their relationship with policymakers, which necessarily involves politics.
Climategate II: Revenge of the Climate Modelers « Roy Spencer, Ph. D. bigger concern is that the “it’s-OK-to-fudge” attitude pervades the entire IPCC apparatus.
Video - Inhofe: It’s ‘Dishonest’ for Obama to Attend Global Warming Summit and Say America Will Cap Carbon Emissions - Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, ranking Republican on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, says it is “dishonest” for President Barack Obama to attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen next week to announce that the United States will cap its carbon emissions because legislation to do so has no chance of passing in Congress.
Confronting Al Gore - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Oh my. Protests against Al Gore at a book signing, and subsequent reaction of Gore's green shirts.
The Big Question: Does 'climate-gate' matter politically? - The Hill's Congress Blog
Some of the nation's top political commentators, legislators and intellectuals offer some insight into the biggest question burning up the blogosphere today.
RGGI: A tax is a tax is a tax |
t’s just like my colleague Myron Ebell likes to say. “There are three things you need to know about cap-and-trade: It’s a tax, it’s a tax, it’s a tax.”

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